Movie Review: Keep Sweet (2021)

This was fascinating, especially considering the legal and religious issues involving paying property taxes—these people are willing to lose their homes on what they believe to be hallowed grounds, and render their huge families homeless, because they don’t believe in signing contracts or paying property tax.
Note: this only concerns the FLDS members that remained in Short Creek after Warren Jeffs’ arrest. It never even mentions the giant compound he built in Texas, oddly enough, as if it doesn’t exist.
Recommended reading:
The Witness Wore Red: The 19th Wife Who Brought Polygamous Cult Leaders to Justice by Rebecca Musser with M. Bridget Cook
A certain person wrote a book claiming to have single-handedly brought Warren Jeffs to justice. Musser, who is a half-sibling of hers, lovingly but firmly calls her out and explains that this person was on her book tour during most of the time that Jeffs was still on the loose and in Texas. I won’t name this book; I have read it, and had fact-finding problems with it myself. If you want to read honest first-person account of the FLDS, I recommend Musser’s boots-on-the-ground account, Carolyn Jessop’s memoirs Escape and Triumph: Life After the Cult: A Survivor’s Lessons (read those two in that order), and Flora Jessop’s memoir and expose Church of Lies (Flora helps people escape from the FLDS).
For a good objective investigation, I recommend Prophet’s Prey: My Seven-Year Investigation Into Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints by Sam Brower.

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