I’ve used Nightmare Movies as a reference for a couple of episodes, namely Boo Without Goo: Scary Movies for the Squeamish, Exquisite Mayhem, and Elegant Nastiness. I have also used it as a reference for, well, life. I am a screamqueen, after all. (My first Apple ID, way back when it started, was screamqueen@mac.com. Still forwards to me, too. Try it. ) So some very kind and intrepid movie fan and Letterboxd user has created a list of every single movie Newman mentioned in the book. This is no small feat, for Nightmare Movies is a prose book of essays, not a horror movie encyclopedia. Enjoy, and, if you are a Letterbox user, use this handy feature: set the list to dim the movies you’ve seen. I am, feel free to follow me:
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Book-related lists: Nightmare Movies and…
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I’ve used Nightmare Movies as a reference for a couple of episodes, namely Boo Without Goo: Scary Movies for the Squeamish, Exquisite Mayhem, and Elegant Nastiness. I have also used it as a reference for, well, life. I am a screamqueen, after all. (My first Apple ID, way back when it started, was screamqueen@mac.com. Still forwards to me, too. Try it. ) So some very kind and intrepid movie fan and Letterboxd user has created a list of every single movie Newman mentioned in the book. This is no small feat, for Nightmare Movies is a prose book of essays, not a horror movie encyclopedia. Enjoy, and, if you are a Letterbox user, use this handy feature: set the list to dim the movies you’ve seen. I am, feel free to follow me: