Sitemap - 2023 - There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast

Independence Day: Poem

That I Would Be Good

Commonplace Book: Leonard Cohen

I’m tracking my writing again like the nerd I am

Resources: Episode 74: Boo Without Goo, Volume 2

“Hey, jerk, speed kills!”

Macabre Monday: Movie Review: Five Nights at Freddy’s (2023)

Matthew Perry

Guess where I went today?

“I am a messenger from God!”

We’ve Only Just Begun

Thurber high school

Macabre Mondays: Horror Literature Art

Sci-Friday: Two Early Novels

Celebrating the High Holidays in Days Past

Macabre Mondays: Boo Without Goo

Sci-Friday: Introduction to Genre

Variety is the spice of…goldfish?

The mind is willing, but the flesh is frustrating me

So angry I am numb

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Books So Far This Year

Happy Book Birthday to The Dead Pennies by Robert Ford!

Commonplace Book: Leonard Cohen

Harriet the Spy

Commonplace Book: Hot Toddy

Freud and Beethoven and Billy Joel and hysteria

All my pretty dollies...

To be loved by a madwoman

Movie Review: Barbie

Blue Magic and Pale Fire

The Mock Turtle from Wonderland met a bad end

I won NaNoWriMo Camp 2023 during Disability Pride Month!: Fiction

“I do not want what I haven’t got.”

I can’t get into that store/library/bathroom. Again.

Wine Into Water: Poem

In the Path of the Eclipse

Still reading Blume

Pretty in Pink


Who has never killed an hour?

Happy anniversary, Ellie Kedward

Eerie experience with AI

There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast: Where to Listen

She's her own invention

Disability Pride Month: Telling the truth about my full self

Book Review: Bitter Apples, edited by Eric Raglin

Reading plans for the rest of the year

Joshua Judges Ruth


And Now For Something Completely Different: Knitting

Watching the Detectives: Fiction

Cursive is Magic: Poem

Finishing my novel: Fiction

Hounds of Love: Poem

The Land of Mayo and Hunting

I found myself in pages I thought I knew

New transportation! ♿️

The House of Leaves welcomes you. Again.

Final French translations for Giovanni’s Room

The Harvard Bookstore Top 100 Books Challenge

A song by or for David

Repost: Goodbye, my friend, for now

Monsters: Fiction

Watching the Detectives

French translations in Part 2 of Giovanni’s Room

French slang in Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin

John Irving recalling Gatsby

Origami X Redux

Or am I origami?

Being monitored…

Independent Bookstore Day with Judy Blume

Library Pirates (with Princess Jones Curtis): 88

Family Tree Redux

To the Lighthouse to Catch a Wish: 87

Movie Review: Friday the 13th 3D (1982)

Book Review: The Secret Passage by Nina Bawden

Dark Side of the Virginia Moon

All episodes on Substack now and from now on

The Children Are Not Alright: 86

Bowie and Episode 21 (Episode 86)

Movie Reviews: Hereditary (2018)

February 2023, my birthday month