The Five and a Half Minute Hallway and AuthorCon
Note: how I met Robert Ford, my friend and co-author: .
This weekend, I will be at Scares That Care’s very first author-centered convention, in Williamsburg, Virginia. If you are going to be there as well, please feel free to seek me out! I’ll be in my wheelchair with a burgundy backpack strapped to the back and a horror t-shirt on; can’t miss me. I’ll be sharing photos from the weekend on the podcast’s Instagram and here. I can’t wait! So many horror authors that I have have been friends with on the internet for years that I will finally able to meet.
I have signed up to workshop my horror short story “Holly Jolly Christmas”, the one I read in episode 75, with horror author Robert Ford; the goal is to learn how to more effectively read, especially live. Better podcasting! I am always open to learn.
After the weekend, I will publish episode 80, the fourth episode in my House of Leaves series. We will going deep into the exploration of the Five and a Half Minute Hallway that has appeared in Navidson and Karen’s living room, and deeper into Johnny Truant’s disturbing background. The content is now becoming inextricably intertwined with Poe’s companion album, and we’ll be discussing that as well. At least five songs are explicitly mentioned in the text, and we’ll analyze their lyrics with regards to the story of the Navidson Record.
Mark. Z. Danielewski continues to like my Instagram posts about the series, which thrills me. I like to think that means he supports and listens to these episodes. Wouldn't that be marvelous? I think I may be one of the only podcasts doing this undertaking.

April also marks the fifth anniversary of the podcast, and I am looking forward to celebrating that with you. Thank you for taking this journey with me, thank you for listening, and thank you for all of your encouragement. My podcast helps me get out of the house in my head when I can’t otherwise do so physically because of my body. Please tell a friend about the podcast and about this Substack.
I hope you all are doing well. Love you all.
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